Sunday, October 25, 2009

"The glory of God is man fully alive."

This quote by Saint Irenaeus is used in John Eldredge's book, "Waking the Dead". He outlines this idea of Christianity's promise of life and how it is often missed. Eldredge explains that most people say the Jesus died so they can have eternal life once they are dead. However, Eldredge says that life starts "in the land of the living."(Ps. 27:13)

Also in the first chapter, John Eldredge introduces his thoughts on clarity. He poses an idea that things are not what they seem, however, he gets into that later in the book. He describes that people go through life in a fog. They miss things and rarely do they see why things actually happen. He implies that there is a force against us, a force that does not want us to succeed in anything. I can only imply that force is Satan, as he did not explicitly say, but I assume he will delve into that concept later.

1 comment:

  1. hey jt - good post, but i'm not sure you have answered the specific questions. you can edit this post or write another one - but take another look.
